Busy Brotherhood Bees – Here’s what’s Next..

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It’s been a jam packed few months for The Brotherhood, Sisterhood and The Apple Tree Theory gigging every weekend up and down the UK, entertaining crowds from local venues to weddings and grand corporate events. As the festival season closes in and we start getting prepped for the Christmas season at The Celtic Manor, it would only be right for us to find time to squeeze in a brand new video from The Sisterhood. We have been in the studio recording recently for the upcoming video shoot, all will be revealed, but it sure will be both full of class and sass.

With an increasing happy client list, and other than being a fantastic show band, the ability to strip it back for that perfect wedding ceremony moment is why The Sisterhood are in popular demand for weddings and events around the UK. Check out their recent cover of the sweet song “I’ve Got You” from Nashville here.

Keep checking our Facebook: @thebrotherhoodmusicuk Twitter: @brotherhood__uk & IG: @thebrotherhooduk for daily updates and upcoming shows and don’t forget to follow us!